MakeChronic DiseaseOptional

Changing lives with:
Health in the U.S.
million adults in the US live with at least one chronic disease
86% of the $4.1 trillion
healthcare spending goes towards chronic disease
Patients in the United States are the highest spending with the lowest outcome for developed nations.
Chronic Disease
affects more than 129,000,000 in US alone accounts for 86% of the $4.1 trillion spent
Chronic Disease
- affects more than 129,000,000 in the US alone
- accounts for 86% of the $4.1 trillion spent
- ZU.S. Healthcare system is designed for acute care and disease management
- ZAlternative health options may be effective but lack standards of care
- ZVibility has created data-backed Functional Medicine protocols and standards of care that fit into the current model
- ZOur programs achieve better outcomes in less time, for less money
Vibility is the only organization that provides an integrated platform that addresses the needs of providers, patients and health systems.
Vibility’s solutions allow for a reduction in time-to-solution, medications, individual health insurance burden and an increased ability for the individual to manage their health on their own which translates to a higher sense of quality of life. In 2018, Vibility introduced two main structures for both patient and physician/provider facing educational programs which are actively in the market today.
Better outcomes in less time with less hassle
Private Practice Owner
Create predictable outcomes with data-backed programs & coaching
Enterprise Health System
Full service solutions from credentialed networks to claims review
What does Vibility do?
- This combination results in dramatically reduced health care costs and better outcomes.
- Vibility provides services through both bottom-up and top-down approaches including white-labeled products for independent, pre-qualified Functional Medicine providers as well as tailored enterprise programs for health systems.
Vibility treats the root cause,
not only the symptoms.
Vibility’s solutions allow for a reduction in time-to-solution, medications, individual health insurance burden and an increased ability for the individual to manage their health on their own which translates to a higher sense of quality of life.
Vibility Program – Outcome Data
- Population Health Data
Average 60-day weight loss
Individuals who eliminated or reduced one or more medications related to the program targeted health condition.
- Outcome Data
Random sample population (2,071 individual) of men & women ages 30-80+. Percentage of patients who reported improvement within 60 days in the following categories:
- Sleep - 82%
- Energy - 75%
- Digestion - 67%
- Focus - 62%
- Mood/Anxiety - 58%
See What Others Are Saying About Vibility
At Vibility, we have helped over 20,000 patients achieve their health goals.
Want to learn more?
Launch your custom health plan now & achieve sustainable, optimal health.
Choose your path
Better outcomes in less time with less hassle
Private Practice Owner
Create predictable outcomes with data-backed programs & coaching
Enterprise Health System
Full service solutions from credentialed networks to claims review