Initial Interview - ALL Doctor's Name: Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Review Supplement Protocol Options Revitalize Health Protocol Non-Supplement Protocol **Must Follow Program Structure Custom Supplement Protocol Upgrade (+$1500 - covers script writing, filming, editing, document corrections) - Included with Pro Revitalize Health Protocol NotesNon-Supplement Protocol NotesCustom Protocol DescriptionReview Program Structure - (30 days of dietary transitions / detox / food reintroduction)If you are not investing at pro level, you need to follow the dietary transitions and timing, otherwise at pro level, you can have us adapt to fit your desired structure. Is this understood? Agree Professional Upgrade/Custom Structure Additional Notes on Program StructureCustom Structure DescriptionAdditional Add-On List 21 or 28 Day Detox Timing 14 Day Dietary Transitions Coaching Switch - Button gives choice of coaching Supplement Switch - Button gives choice of RH Protocol or Non-Supplement Version Add-On NotesAdditional Notes for Development Staff